Sunday 18 August 2024

Emon dine taare bola jay (এমন দিনে তারে বলা যায়)

 Incessant rain has been there today since the dawn. This brings a lot delight.

The passage of the seasons has a close connection with the human mind. I did not notice if it follow any particular trend or not. Like many others, monsoon is my favorite season. But, the second season on my list of favorites is summer. In this tropical country, people with such eccentric preferences are not to be found very often. Still, that's truly my preference. Passing through autumn and spring, my last favorite season is winter. Look, how strange is my choice. Leave aside these futile discussions. Let me share uou, which I so earnestly wish to tell. want to say.

Monsoon is truly my favorite season. To be honest, rain is always delightful to me. I love eben raining in other seasons also. However, my obsession with monsoon, the way it binds my mind, my heart, is a refined feeling.

The abundance of sky, quiet flowing of gentle breeze, each piece of nature today is welcoming those dense husky clouds. Sometimes its voice is a sharp cry, sometimes its tune carries a the swings of dirge. Raindrops set musical tone upon the leaves.   No rush is here, none has any haste; it has inspired me to pause and quietly gaze on. Those clouds have not brought any letter today. Today let them sing only. From a corner to another, let them cut through the breast of the sky, and in their procession, let them make the surroundings cry with their music of pain.   What do they talk about, what is their pain; how have they accumulated so much of tears? Whom they sacrifice all these pains before?

So many secrets inside me are seeking release today. They want to sit in front of the door of the soul even once. As if I shall not have no more secrets in me today. I will no longer be away from my inner self. Everything that exists today is ours only.   Emotions drench those newly born branches and embrace them firmly. Only you and I are alone in this darkness; holding hand in hand, sitting face to face, we float through the endless time in utter silence. Only to glrify the confluence of our muted pain.

Gurudev's song “Emon dine taare bola jay” hums on in my empty head…long time back, I translated it in English. Will you like to read?

Veiled in a yasmak of tempestuous streak of raining, 

Such is the day,

When I feel ease to confide her;

Such is the moment,

Saturated in thunderous roar of foaming nimbus,

That spreads a blanket of darkness over the sky, 

When I can let my soul lay bare before her.

Amidst gentle silence pervading all over

None can eavesdrop on our whispering exchanges;

Only two of us, facing each other,

Engrossed in deep agony,

Shall witness endless raining alone,

As if the world is left with none else around

Futile are the embraces of those worldly bonds

Futile are the dins of the day

It is only for eyes to feel the bliss

In sipping nectar of beholding eyes 

And, souls to caress and feel each other,

While the rest evaporates into utter darkness.

Whom would it harm,

If I can shed bits of my pain?

Confined to a corner of the room amidst deep shower,

If I can convey me to her,; 

How does it concern anyone else?

In presence of overflowing stream of rain

And, occasional sparkles of lightening

It seems that those emotions,

Which have so long been lying

Secreted within the soul

Can be shared just in these moments,

Along such tempestuous streak of raining.

The original song of Tagore in Bengali:--


এমন দিনে তারে বলা যায়,

এমন ঘনঘোর বরিষায়।

এমন দিনে মন খোলা যায়

এমন মেঘস্বরে  বাদল-ঝরঝরে

তপনহীন ঘন তমসায়॥

সে কথা শুনিবে না কেহ আর,

নিভৃত নির্জন চারি ধার।

দুজনে মুখোমুখি  গভীর দুখে দুখি,

আকাশে জল ঝরে অনিবার

জগতে কেহ যেন নাহি আর॥

সমাজ সংসার মিছে সব,

মিছে এ জীবনের কলরব।

কেবল আঁখি দিয়ে   আঁখির সুধা পিয়ে

হৃদয় দিয়ে হৃদি অনুভব–

আঁধারে মিশে গেছে আর সব॥

তাহাতে এ জগতে ক্ষতি কার

নামাতে পারি যদি মনোভার।

শ্রাবণবরিষনে একদা গৃহকোণে

দু কথা বলি যদি কাছে তার

তাহাতে আসে যাবে কিবা কার॥

ব্যাকুল বেগে আজি বহে বায়,

বিজুলি থেকে থেকে চমকায়।

যে কথা এ জীবনে    

রহিয়া গেল মনে

সে কথা আজি যেন বলা যায়–

এমন ঘনঘোর বরিষায়॥

Thursday 23 May 2024


 It stretches the day a little longer

Memories of the Heaven’s blue

Still not died, still not dried up;

The sky is dust of gold

Still alluring 

Floating in those vacant eyes

For a few moments left;

The life is a gem, 

Spoilt by a failed palmist,

The band of clouds

Over the wings of horizon 

Crimson—a stream of blood—

Through the darkness of Hell

Whispering tale of death-eaters;

A dream yet survives

To be there, to be there,

Carrying wounds, 

Scars on the path

On those weary feet;

Still a dream survives,

To be there, to be there,

Miles away the home is peace.

Friday 5 November 2021

Patience !


The beginning is mysterious

The end fascinates

I see its flight

The projectile of life….

The own dreams, follies and a few deeds…

It lifts, soars high and touches the top

And descends….doesn’t fall…

A gradual descent…almost flat now

Like the pebble dancing upon

The smooth face of pool

Kissing and flying, both transient…

The end is beautiful..

Learning the best of it….

The silence of life

The silence is signature of patience

Drawing, designing, painting it

In the best for a final go.

Saturday 26 December 2020


 This is an attempt to translate a beautiful poem written in Bengali by my childhood friend and life partner, Lopamudra...

Candles walk in…arrayed in the darkness

Dumb, deadened, yet aflame in dull habit;

Defeat is not the fire, a social identity,

Yet, the faith is not a piece for all.

The nature is all set to be bankrupt,

Why still is such intense search for lies?

The debt has outgrown repaying strength of life.

In this yellow wilted ancient age,

Sins appear, one by one…candles in hand

Alike baby snakes; venom trickles down the wretched spine,

The mighty curled snake of revelation

Wakes up from a deep slumber in faint light of candles.

Saturday 31 October 2020

The Fall !

 I can hear the sacred hymns of life

In rustles of those fallen leaves

Curled into uneven memories 

I can hear the whispers of the Fall

Of the end…the end not so far

Monday 3 August 2020


Have we crossed the path?
In the realm of my noon
Beside the placid pool
Shadowed in the embrace of trees
Where water spiders dream
In leisure of sleeping leaves
Did I meet you there?
Sailing in my slender boat
Through a silver stream 
Bathing in moonshine
Have I seen you alone beneath 
A lonely branch on the bank?
Was it you, in whiteness of black?
The gentle stroke of my oars
Echo the wailing of ripples
Following each other never to meet
Have I touched you ever
On the alluring shore
Between the fading footprints?
The waves kiss the sky
Wings of little gull scoop the mist
For wishes to creep into
Did I see you on the beach?
The path soaked in crimson blood
Believing in colours of love
The dust tells the tale of the last traveller
Who vanished behind the bend unknown
Did I lose into your shadow there?
The night is aging, so is time
So am I, are you too?
Amidst the brown leaves
Some wilted emotions die
Amidst rustles somewhere
Have I heard your footsteps?

Thursday 30 July 2020


Why to confine you more?
It has lasted for moments
And hours, for days and years
Justice never meted 
Reasons never assigned
Purpose never had mission
The learned raven goes on
Chanting the sacred name
Knowing neither ends of the tale
The path has too many bends
Shrouded by mist, 
Pebbles are nostalgic
Inert is the cage
Passion does no more bind you
Find you behind those bloody veins
Why to confine you more?
They move from space to space
Delight flourishes in flight
Burn the wings of wishes
The ashes shall have no remorse
Between cells, why to shuttle in and out?
The divine gift lies unconscious
In forlorn corner of sky
The golden moon weeps 
Her face loses shine in the wane
Still shining? Still revolving in 
A passion to come closer one night?
The celestial flight leaves a signature
Upon the universe; who knows how
Shall it make me bankrupt soon?
Is it securing a place on the page
Or a dot is just a dot—an aberration
Of thought or pursuit of some dream
Suddenly interrupted by an exclamation?
Why to confine you more?
The night is living
So is the day
Alive is the worm or the rose
The faint broom of light 
Reminds that the dying comet is still alive
Alive is the sun
Burning till the end
A dwarf shall be dark and heavy
With void attracting 
Devouring all in a moment
Will it confine you too
As I do now?
Will there be justice
That you deserve
The liberty that you seek for?
How does it matter for me?
I have only loved you
Encaged, chained to a distant dream
Lying naked, abandoned
I love to see you there
I envy your purity
Like then, I used to hold you close
Loving, caring, like a bud of a rose
It is all a forgotten tale
There is nothing left but the wings
Heavy, unable to flutter it more
I love lying motionless beside you
Folded those wretched wings
I love seeing them idle
Never wished to fly
I love seeing them confined
Purposelessly honouring my company
As you do, unloved in the cage
Only it pricks so often
Why to confine you more?

Emon dine taare bola jay (এমন দিনে তারে বলা যায়)

  Incessant rain has been there today since the dawn. This brings a lot delight. The passage of the seasons has a close connection with the ...