Thursday 23 May 2024


 It stretches the day a little longer

Memories of the Heaven’s blue

Still not died, still not dried up;

The sky is dust of gold

Still alluring 

Floating in those vacant eyes

For a few moments left;

The life is a gem, 

Spoilt by a failed palmist,

The band of clouds

Over the wings of horizon 

Crimson—a stream of blood—

Through the darkness of Hell

Whispering tale of death-eaters;

A dream yet survives

To be there, to be there,

Carrying wounds, 

Scars on the path

On those weary feet;

Still a dream survives,

To be there, to be there,

Miles away the home is peace.


  1. Beautiful lines...."Through the darkness of Hell

    Whispering tale of death-eaters;

    A dream yet survives

    To be there, to be there,"

    1. Thanks, madam....nice to hear you after a long break....regards


Emon dine taare bola jay (এমন দিনে তারে বলা যায়)

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