Thursday 23 May 2024


 It stretches the day a little longer

Memories of the Heaven’s blue

Still not died, still not dried up;

The sky is dust of gold

Still alluring 

Floating in those vacant eyes

For a few moments left;

The life is a gem, 

Spoilt by a failed palmist,

The band of clouds

Over the wings of horizon 

Crimson—a stream of blood—

Through the darkness of Hell

Whispering tale of death-eaters;

A dream yet survives

To be there, to be there,

Carrying wounds, 

Scars on the path

On those weary feet;

Still a dream survives,

To be there, to be there,

Miles away the home is peace.

Emon dine taare bola jay (এমন দিনে তারে বলা যায়)

  Incessant rain has been there today since the dawn. This brings a lot delight. The passage of the seasons has a close connection with the ...